You might need to reboot your Hub when your Touchstone system is responding slowly, or when directed by a Customer Support representative. To reboot the hub, click Settings from the toolbar and click on the Hub icon to display the Hub Diagnostics Page.. Click Reboot Hub. Devices that have been paired with…
Managing Your Account
THIS ARTICLE INCLUDES THE FOLLOWING: Quotas Changing Your Username Changing your Password Viewing Your Address You can manage some information related to your account on the My Account page. When you click My Account from any page in the Subscriber Portal, the My Accounts page appears. From this page, you can:…
Deleting/Modifying Lights
To delete a light, click Settings on the toolbar to display the settings screen. Click on Lights to display the light settings page. Click the icon next to the camera you want to modify. OR Click the icon next to the light that you want to delete and click yes on the confirmation…
Adding Lights
You can add lights when you activate Touchstone or at a later time. If you want to add a light that was not included with the original Touchstone package, make sure your service provider supports it. To add lights, click Settings on the tool bar to display the settings menu. Click…
Deleting/Modifying a Thermostat
To delete a thermostat, click Settings on the toolbar. Click Thermostats to display the thermostats settings page. Click the icon next to the thermostat you want to modify. OR Click the icon next to the thermostat you want to delete. Click yes on the confirmation dialog box that follows to remove the…
Adding a Thermostat
You can add a thermostat when you activate Touchstone, or at a later time. If you want to add a thermostat that was not included with the original Touchstone package, make sure your service provider supports it. To add a thermostat, click on SETTINGS in the toolbar. Click Thermostats to display…
Viewing and Capturing Live Video and Images
This Article Includes the following: Viewing Live Video Viewing Captured Video and Images Managing Captured Video and Images Viewing Live Video Select “View Live Cameras” from the camera section on the main page of the Subscriber Portal. One of the cameras is displayed as live video. The other camera…
Deleting/Modifying a Camera
When you delete a camera, Touchstone disables any rules that reference the camera. Snapshots and video files are not deleted. To delete a camera, click on SETTINGS in the toolbar to display the settings page. Click the cameras icon to display camera settings. Click the icon next to the…